
Centro di Assistenza

Supplemental Privacy Notice for Brazil

This Brazil Supplemental Privacy Notice applies to personal data processing activities in accordance with Brazilian law and is effective on the effective date of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD).

In questo articolo

  • Only for residents of Brazil

Only for residents of Brazil

If you are using our platform in Brazil, you may have certain rights. Brazilian law may allow you to expressly request the following procedures from us:

  • confirm whether we process your data;

  • provide access to and/or a copy of certain information we hold about you;

  • correct incomplete, inaccurate and outdated data;

  • anonymize, block or delete data that is unnecessary, excessive or that is not being

  • processed in accordance with Brazilian data protection legislation;

  • transfer your personal data to another service or product provider;

  • delete personal data processed with your consent, where applicable;

  • provide information about the public and private entities with which we share data;

  • provide information about the possibility of revoking consent and the consequences of such action, where applicable;

  • revoke your consent.

You can exercise some of these rights by accessing the Account page. For example, you can download a copy of your personal data, delete your personal data by deleting your account, or correct your personal data in your Account Settings (.com.br). You can also exercise your rights by email. We may need to verify your identity before we can process your request. To do this, you will need to login or provide us with certain account information, such as the full name and email address you used to create your account and your most recent event or ticket.

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