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Organizing an event

Add an image to your event

You can add an image to your event by going to Build event page. Select Upload photos and video to choose an image from your device or create an image with Canva. Your event image will appear in Eventbrite search results and promotional tools.

In this article

  • Guidelines for image files
  • 1. Go to "Build event page."
  • 2. Add your image.
  • 3. Crop your image.
  • 4. Optional: Add a video.
  • 5. Optional: Add an image to your event description.
  • 6. Save your changes.

Guidelines for image files

  • File type must be a JPEG or PNG that is no larger than 10 MB.

  • The recommended image size is at least 2160 x 1080px.

  • The width to length ratio should be 2:1. This means your event image should be a horizontal image that is twice as wide as it is tall. You can crop your image when you upload it.

  • You must own the images you upload or have permission from the copyright holder to use them.

1. Go to "Build event page."

Log in to your account and go to Events. Select your event to go to your event dashboard, then select Build event page.

2. Add your image.

Select Upload image to select an image from your device or Design with Canva to create an image with Canva. 

NOTE: Creating an image with Canva requires a Canva account.

3. Crop your image.

You may be asked to crop your image after uploading it. Your image must be 2:1, or twice as wide as it is tall.

4. Optional: Add a video.

Paste the URL for your video in the URL field under Video. Keep in mind:

  • Only YouTube and Vimeo videos are supported.

  • Your video must be published and public.

Your video will appear in an image carousel with your main event image. If you don't have an event image, your video thumbnail will be displayed.

5. Optional: Add an image to your event description.

If you need to add additional images to your event, add them to the event description.

  1. Scroll to the About this event section.

  2. If you haven't created a description yet, select the plus sign (+).

  3. Type in your description.

  4. Select Add Image when you want to include an image.

  5. Choose your image.

Images you add to your event description won’t show in Eventbrite search or promotional tools, but they will appear on your event listing.

6. Save your changes.

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